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If you are considering physical therapy for you or a loved one, it’s important to know the impact physical setting has on care. For many patients, a large clinic is ideal. For patients without preference for who they see, or with injuries that really just need someone to make sure they perform basic fitness activities, a large clinic can be a great cost-effective option. I used to work in these clinics! There are excellent PTs out there that your insurance will cover most of the cost (depending on co-pay, or if you’ve met your deductible). For convenience and time with the provider however, you can’t beat in-home physical therapy.

Why In-Home Vs. The Clinic Down The Street?

In-home (or mobile) physical therapy is another option which has many benefits for the patient, and allows for quality care. By having someone come to your home, the clinician can see the actual space where you spend most of your time.  Do you have a tricky step, or an uneven paver? Do you have trouble curling in a corner kick, or swinging your driver? Or do you want to do aquatic therapy in your pool? All of these can be seen, and assessed directly – not simulated in carpeted commercial space.

The other main benefit is therapist workload.  I was inundated with patients during my time working in insurance-based clinics. That meant no time for printing out a home program, or returning a phone call. Because I am a solopreneur, the cost of each visit goes directly to me. This is a 3-fold difference, which means I need to see 3x less patients to pay my mortgage. I have more than enough time to follow up with patients, send out home programs, and speak with concerned family members.

Guaranteed Time With Your Healthcare Provider

Physical therapy is a part of the healthcare system where time needs to be spent with the patient in order to get an optimal outcome. We can’t just do a 3 minute injection, or a 45 minute surgery and get the result we want. For many injuries, physical therapy is the best course of care, but it takes time. A major determinant in patient satisfaction is how that time is administered. Time and again we see patient satisfaction is driven by access to their provider.  With in-home physical therapy you are guaranteeing that access.

The Power Of Access To Your Physical Therapist

Access means more than just the ability to text your provider when you want. It means schedule availability, quality time spent on your issue, and time for your provider to do relevant research to get over roadblocks or specific issues to your case. The US has a major shortage of physical therapists relative to how many people need care as the baby boomer generation ages. This will naturally make each and every provider busier, and we don’t get more time. In a world where access to an hour of an experienced, quality provider’s time is at an all-time low, in-home physical therapy is a great option to ensure the level of care every patient deserves.

But What About Cost?

With this access comes cost. Unfortunately, some therapists have taken this opportunity to drastically increase their prices relative to the market. While a savvy consumer would be able to figure this out eventually, many companies do not post their prices to make it more arduous to comparison shop. It’s the same tactic large hospitals use, despite legislation banning the practice. Our prices are listed right on the website. We are also only about $30 more per visit than what you would pay with an in-network deductible. If you want direct access to a provider who isn’t thinking about 4 other patients when they are working with you, the $30 extra is more than worth it. Add in that we come to your home so you don’t need to cancel a meeting or find childcare, and it’s a no-brainer.

Give us a call today!


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