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In home physical therapy is a convenient and efficient way to get the physical therapy you need. There are many different reasons to choose in home care, but the main reasons are convenience and the need for specialized skill.


The typical physical therapy experience centers around going to a clinic for your care.  This can be challenging in itself. When you go to a clinic, you can’t typically bring your kids with you unless they are older and can stay focused on their tablet for an hour. With the challenge of getting childcare for 2-3 one hour sessions per week, this can also make clinic care more expensive.
Depending on traffic, parking, and availability, you are likely also going to have to move your schedule around.  You will need to accomodate a 1 hour appointment and the 15 minutes of travel and “getting ready” time before and after.
The sad part is, one of the biggest indicators of success with physical therapy is the access and convenience of attending appointments.  Unless you happen to live near a clinic, have a very flexible schedule, and no little ones – this will be a challenge.
In home physical therapy is much more convenient, with the therapist arriving at your door to start the appointment. With out-of-network providers, the cost is up-front, without balance billing and adjustments occurring months later. The therapist can be in and out between zoom calls, and much more is accomplished each session because it’s truly one-on-one with the professional.

Specialized Skill:

At a big-box clinic, you will also be one in a crowd.  As insurance reimbursement rates are declining. Clinics are forced to hand off patients to unskilled assistants and students at an alarming rate. Nowadays you can virtually guarantee that your appointment will be shared, and you will have some or a majority of that session with an unskilled assistant.
Many people can get better with just a supervised exercise program. Anyone who lives a sedentary lifestyle will see improvement just by someone telling them to move 2-3 days per week. If you already move (such as athletes, active adults, or seniors fighting to keep their independence), then a supervised exercise program isn’t enough.
In home physical therapy allows the provider time to focus on you for the full hour. The evaluation will be thorough. Each intervention and tool used to help you progress will be administered and adjusted by someone with a doctorate level education in movement. If you already move often, handing you an exercise sheet won’t move the needle. It’s likely a form correction, inadequate loading, or a manual technique that will get you past your painful movement pattern.

Prioritize Your Health:

Physical decline due to pain is a massive issue as we age. Not participating in sports or fitness is a massive issue to any athlete or workout warrior. Don’t skimp when you are talking about your health. Search out a local in home physical therapist to help you solve the problem. If you are in the Phoenix metro, we would love to help. We can also recommend a good in home therapist in most major metros!
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